Bethel three (3) year old kindy (PRE-KINDY) provides a fun, safe and stimulating learning space that will encourage your child’s natural and God-given desire to explore, inquire, imagine and discover.
Children are innately curious and ready to explore their world. It is this sense of adventure that drives the desire to learn. Trained staff will ensure that your child has the opportunity to discover through their senses, engage in meaningful interactions, persevere through challenges, and reflect on their learning. We recognise that the relationship your child has with you is the most important connection they have and look forward to working with you to help them grow and learn, establishing strong foundations and a joy of learning for their journey ahead.
*PRE-K 2025*
A few places remain for 2025! Please complete an enrolment enquiry and we look forward to providing you a tour of all things Early Learning at Bethel.
Your child must have turned three to commence at pre-kindergarten
This is a non-government subsidised program and therefore fees are $40 per day paid a term in advance.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:45 - 3:15 during normal school terms. Parents may choose to enrol their child for one or two full days.
Yes, pre-kindergarten students wear Bethel sport uniform with a gold bucket hat, all available from Perm-A-Pleat on Cockburn Rd.
Pre-Kindergarten has a maximum of twelve children and two qualified staff members, one of whom is a trained teacher.
Yes, students must be up to date with their immunisations, on an approved catch-up schedule or qualify for an exemption.
“The mind that opens up to a new idea never returns to its original size.”