At BCS we are passionate about introducing children to school in a way that values their individual stage of development, encourages a love of learning, develops a strong sense of identity and worth as a member of their family, culture, class group, and as a child of God.
We recognise the importance of laying strong foundations for more formal education through the provision of a high quality, evidence based learning program.
At BCS Early Learning Centre you will find many opportunities for play and socialisation at school. When children play and socialise, they are practicing their oral language skills, rehearsing, mastering and applying learnt concepts, stretching their imagination and developing many important skills for life and learning. Play is indeed serious ‘work’ for children; we value play as an important stage of learning and development that shouldn’t be lost in a busy curriculum.
We recognise that the relationship you have with your child is usually the most secure and important relationship they have experienced so far in their lives. We respect and support this through open and regular communication. Our aim is to partner with parents/carers in all aspects of your child’s schooling.
Pre-Primary is the first year of compulsory schooling in WA. Children attend from 8:45 - 3:15 Monday to Friday during usual term times.
Yes, pre-primary students wear the Bethel sport uniform which is available from Perm-a-Pleat in Cockburn Rd.
You will be provided with a booklist at the beginning of the year or upon enrolment but other than that, lunch, morning tea and a water bottle provided in a large back pack are required each day.
Yes, your child will receive a small amount of homework as the year progresses. This may include a reading book, high frequency word or letter sound/symbol practice. Homework is only given from Monday to Thursday, with weekends kept free of school work for family time.
Yes, please provide a copy of your child’s Australian Immunisation Record, printed no earlier than two months before first attendance. If this is not possible, please talk to one of our office staff.
“The mind that opens up to a new idea never returns to its original size.”